Saturday, September 7, 2024

Grokking The System Design Interview Design Gurus

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Depth Of System Design Interview Question

Grokking the System Design Interview

The course did a reasonable job of going deep into the architecture of each problem. Although it would be sufficient for most engineers, some senior engineers might feel that they need more details. For SDIs, one crucial thing is to know the tradeoffs between different design decisions. For example, you need to know, which data partitioning scheme best fits your system, or at which layer you can introduce a cache to speed things up. Discussing these options during the interview is the most important aspect interviewers are looking for in a candidate. Grokking the System Design did an excellent job in discussing the tradeoffs between different designs.

For All Essential System Design Concepts Diagram Case Studies And Detailed Solution Of Common System Design Questions Grokking The System Design Course Is Definitely Worth It For The Price You Pay

Hello guys, If you are looking for a System design Primer for Tech interviews then Grokking the System Design Interview Course on Educative by Design Guru is a great resource.

When I first started preparing for System design interviews there were not many resources available, I search in Udemy for System design course only to find outdated, half-baked course, YouTube has some video’s but there is no resource which can provide a well structured preparation required for interviews.

At that time I come across Grokking the System Design Interview Course on Educative by Design Guru and immediately fell in love with it. The course was well structured, detailed, and discussed popular System design questions with in-depth analysis and their use of diagram was amazing. Educatives interactive learning platform was another cherry on cake.

Since then situation has changed a lot, there are now many dedicated System design platforms and websites like , Exponent, which even provide mock interviews for FAANG companies and even Udemy has got amazing System design courses like Mastering the System Design Interview by Frank Kane and even Educative got two sequels of System design interview but it sill remain one of my favorite resource.

If you are thinking to join this course but not sure, then read on, I have shared my thoughts and reviewed the course on its merit of what it offers for the price it charged and time it takes.

So whats the wait? Lets start!

Grokking The Coding Interview: Pros And Cons

There are good reasons why we cant afford to skip the pros and cons of the platform we are reviewing.

One reason is to isolate the key takeaways of the review quickly.

Another and more important reason is that no software is perfect. We must ensure that any software or platform that scales through our decision-making process is ticking enough of the right boxes.

I think the pros should be considered first.

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What I Liked About This System Design Course

One of the best things about this course is that mentors from FAANG and other top-tier MNCs give instruction for the course. The mentors educate and advise you based on their own personal experiences. They utilize their real-life experience in their firms as a reference to prioritize the types of questions to familiarize you with.

The mentors assist you with all aspects of the interview process by providing placement support. This ensures that the student receives clear instructions and a plan for approaching the job application process. 1:1 mock interviews, profile optimization, and profile development are all examples of this placement help.

Theres also the Flexible Pass option, which is helpful if youre a working professional who wants to learn while still working. It does this by giving you access to classes from various batches as well as the LMS portal, where you may watch recorded lectures at your leisure.

All of the lessons are live interactive sessions in which you can communicate with the mentors in real-time, and there are also one-on-one doubt clearing sessions to clear out any remaining doubts. If you are unable to continue with the lessons, you will be eligible for a full refund if you notify us within the first two weeks of the courses start date.

When you visit the website, an expert reviews your profile and then connects you with a mentor who will take you to the course that best meets your needs.

Reasons To Use Sql Database

Grokking The System Design Interview Ebook

Here are a few reasons to choose a SQL database:

  • We need to ensure ACID compliance. ACID compliance reduces anomalies and protects the integrity of your database by prescribing exactly how transactions interact with the database. Generally, NoSQL databases sacrifice ACID compliance for scalability and processing speed, but for many e-commerce and financial applications, an ACID-compliant database remains the preferred option.
  • Your data is structured and unchanging. If your business is not experiencing massive growth that would require more servers and if youre only working with data thats consistent, then there may be no reason to use a system designed to support a variety of data types and high traffic volume.
  • Recommended Reading: How Do You Prepare For A Phone Interview

    Grokking The Coding Interview Review Is It Worth Buying

    posted on

    There is this nervous feeling that comes over us when we have an interview to sit for.

    For tech students or professionals who want to work in the worlds top tech companies, scaling the tech interviews isnt something to scoff at.

    Not especially when the interview deadline is close.

    The next question will be what is the best software to use to prepare in such a short time?

    I invite you to come along as I dissect Grokking the Coding Interview course.

    The naming has dropped a hint. The course only teaches coding.

    Lets see if the course is worth buying and whether its really the messiah to invoke if you need to prepare for an interview fast.

    Requirements And Goals Of The System

    You should always clarify requirements at the beginning of the interview. Be sure to askquestions to find the exact scope of the system that the interviewer has in mind.

    Our URL shortening system should meet the following requirements:

    Functional Requirements:

  • Given a URL, our service should generate a shorter and unique alias of it. This is called a short link.
  • When users access a short link, our service should redirect them to the original link.
  • Users should optionally be able to pick a custom short link for their URL.
  • Links will expire after a standard default timespan. Users should be able to specify the expiration time.
  • Non-Functional Requirements:

  • The system should be highly available. This is required because, if our service is down, all the URL redirections will start failing.
  • URL redirection should happen in real-time with minimal latency.
  • Shortened links should not be guessable .
  • Extended Requirements:

  • Analytics e., how many times a redirection happened?
  • Our service should also be accessible through REST APIs by other services.
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    Basic System Design And Algorithm

    The biggest question for our service is how to generate a short and unique key when given an URL. The approach we will be looking at today is by encoding the actual URL.

    We can compute a unique hash of the given URL. The hash can then be encoded for display. This encoding could be base36 or base62 . If we add + and /, we can use Base64 encoding. A reasonable question would be, what should be the length of the short key? 6, 8, or 10 characters?

    • Using base64 encoding, a 6 letter long key would result in 64^6 = ~68.7 billion possible strings.

    • Using base64 encoding, an 8 letters long key would result in 64^8 = ~281 trillion possible strings

    • With 68.7B unique strings, letâs assume six letter keys would suffice for our system.

    If we use the MD5 algorithm as our hash function, it will produce a 128-bit hash value. After base64 encoding, weâll get a string having more than 21 characters . Now we only have space for 8 characters per short key, how will we choose our key then?

    We can take the first 6 letters for the key. This could result in key duplication, to resolve that, we can choose some other characters out of the encoding string or swap some characters.

    There are some potential obstacles when taking this approach:

    • If multiple users enter the same URL, they will get the same short link.

    • Parts of the URL can be URL-encoded.

    A Few Years Ago A New Online Learning Platform Named Educativeio Wanted To Know If Id Like To Produce A Course For Them

    GROKKING the CODING INTERVIEW review || Best FAANG interview prep?

    Although I kindly declined , I was intrigued by the platform.


    Well, for one, the course selection on is not only robust but wonderfully specific.

    For example, Reintroducing React: V16 and Beyond was created for web developers who dabbled in React a year or two ago, but need a modern refresher.

    Ruby Concurrency for Senior Engineering Interviews? You dont get more specific than that.

    Similarly, theGrokking the System Design Interview course on is designed for those who need brushing up on a highly specific skill set: the system design process.

    And it was created by hiring managers at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon.

    That means this course contains actual Google system design interview questions, for example.

    So if youre hoping to land a job at one of the FAANGs , read on.

    Also Check: Interview Questions For Excel Skills

    Is Grokking The System Design Interview Worth It

    This course is developed by hiring managers working at top tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. They have a list of various design problem standards for a different interview with detailed expatiation on all tech and terminologies used in System design interviews.

    These questions are repeatedly asked in many interviews, instructor has designed and explained the problem at a basic level till all tech and options are available to design a scalable system and tackle questions that are asked during the flow.

    Every example is structured perfectly to cover all requirements and the design of a complete system. Fair assumptions, calculations, and technology have been used to make system more optimal and scalable that is crucial for any SDI interview.

    S How I Approach The System Design Questions In Interviews

    These are the steps I go through mentally in the interviews, followed by actual interview experiences:

    • a) Be absolutely sure you understand the problem being asked, clarify on the onset rather than assuming anything
    • b) Use-cases. This is critical, you MUST know what is the system going to be used for, what is the scale it is going to be used for. Also, constraints like requests per second, requests types, data written per second, data read per second.
    • c) Solve the problem for a very small set, say, 100 users. This will broadly help you figure out the data structures, components, abstract design of the overall model.
    • d) Write down the various components figured out so far and how will they interact with each other.
    • e) As a rule of thumb remember at least these :
    • processing and servers

    It generally depends what you are and you will be working on. Also what your level is but these are some of the more frequent interview questions.

    • Design amazon’s frequently viewed product page
    • Design an online poker game for multiplayer. Solve for persistence, concurrency, scale. Draw the ER diagram for this
    • Search engine : basic crawling, collection, hashing etc. Depends on your expertise on this topic
    • Design a picture sharing website. How will you store thumbnails, photos? Usage of CDNS? caching at various layers etc.
    • Design a news feed : news feed
  • Design a product based on maps, eg hotel / ATM finder given a location.
  • Design a system for collaborating over a document simultaneously
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    Grokking The System Design Interview

    Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning will make a commission if you buy something via my links, at no extra cost to you. Read my disclosure for more info.

    If you consider top-tech giants such as Amazon, Google, Uber, Twitter, Apple, and Facebook, they ask multiple system design live problems to candidates during their interview process.

    So, I am providing you with a review of one of the most popular and effective courses on System design.

    Hence, there is one of the most popular and effective course, available on called Grokking the System Design Interview to help and prepare the candidates for system design interviews.

    Questions based on standard design have become a crucial part of a system design interview.

    However, most engineers struggle with or during system design interviews because of the unstructured nature of these interviews and lack of experience in developing large-scale systems.

    What Does Grokking The System Design Cover And How Well

    Grokking The System Design Interview Black Friday

    This is one of the best System Design courses in the market. It is a text-based and interactive course. It provides a step-by-step approach to mastering System Design Interviews.

    They have carefully selected a collection of questions that have been regularly asked by top organizations, and they also provide extensive experience in dealing with any system design challenge.

    The course also follows a pre-determined framework for each design challenge, which includes thinking about the big picture, security, API design, database architecture, expected demand, capacity estimation, and then delving into the subtleties particular to each situation. This pattern may be seen throughout the course since it is applied to each question.

    At Big tech companies like FAANG engineering interviews, system design rounds have been a common occurrence. When Facebooks stock began to rise, and everyone in Silicon Valley wanted to work there, there were no resources available to prepare for the design round.

    The interview bible at the time was ex-Googler Gayle McDowell’s Cracking the Coding Interview book but it didnt cover any software design topics. The Grokking System Design Interview course immediately filled this need.

    Here is the link to join this course Grokking the System Design Interview

    Also Check: What’s A Digital Interview

    Thats 15 Unique Solutions

    The possibility of your interviewer asking you one of these questions is high.

    But the point to note here is that you as the reader understand each of the concepts that are used and are able to use them to solve similar types of problems.

    Instead of reviewing each of these solutions individually I am going to give you a general overview of what you can expect in this course. Each of the design solutions covers most of the areas.

    Grokking The System Design Interview Features 15 System Design Interview Challenges

    Youll learn how to design everything from Dropbox, to Pastebin, to your expected regulars like , and Netflix.

    This course was developed by Design Gurus, a group of hiring managers whove been working at Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft.

    So the designers of this course know exactly whats being asked at these interviews.

    Essentially, Grokking the System Design Interview is a short, concise and practical course broken down into two sections.

    System design tools include 2 coding playgrounds, 22 code snippets and over 100 illustrations to reinforce critical concepts.

    Want to give Grokking the System Design Interview a shot?

    Recommended Reading: How To Analyze Interview Data In Qualitative Research

    How To Join Grokking The System Design Course

    By the way it comes to joining this course, you have two options, you can either buy this course directly or you can take a Educative subscription which provides access to all of their 350+ courses for just $14.9 per month on their annual and biannual plans.

    They also provide a 7-day free trail which is another way you can explore Educative platform for free.

    Thats all in this review of Grokking the System Design Course from Educative. This is no doubt the best online course to prepare for System design interview. For all essential system design concepts, diagram, case studies, and detailed solution of common System design questions given in this course in a structured manner Grokking the System Design course is definitely worth it for the price you pay. Its one of the best resource to prepare well for System design interview

    Hope you guys now have clarity on what to do next and if you guys need this course or not. So, happy designing, until next article, keep learning.

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    Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like the review of Grokking the System Design Interview course, then please share them with your friends and colleagues, they will appreciate it. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

    System Design Interview Pdf

    Grokking the System Design Interview

    System design interview pdf -View grokking system design interview.pdf from is misc at heritage institute of technology. Grokking the system design interview course. System design is a process of defining the elements of a system such as the architecture, components, modules, and various interfaces. Menu system design interview book review: A) go through cs76 and udacityâs links given above for scaling. System design interview and the coding interview simultaneously. An insiderâs guide by accident .i was looking for good book resources after several people have been asking me how they can get better at building distributed systems or learning. This is a softcopy of the grokking the object oriented design interview and grokking the system design interview. Estimate design the service. System design interview preperation series by codekarle this is a collection of some of the most commonly asked system design interview question explain in a very detailed and straight forward manner.

    Iâve come across the book system design interview: System design questions have become a standard part of the software engineering interview process. Architectural design principles decompose into subsystems layers and partitions. System_design/system design inteview by alex xu.pdf. System design interview an insider s guide.


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