Sunday, September 1, 2024

How To Interview A Nanny For A Newborn

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Basic Nanny Interview Questions:

How to get a nanny interview
  • How long have you been caring for children?
  • Why did you get involved in child care work?
  • How many families have you worked with?
  • What makes you interested in this position/caring for my child?
  • What is your availability?
  • Are you familiar with ?
  • Where are you located? Are you local to the area, or have you recently moved here?
  • What are you looking for in your next nanny job?
  • Have you had or do you plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Nanny References & Work History:

  • Are you familiar with following nap and feeding schedules?
  • Do you have experience following dietary restrictions and avoiding food allergies?
  • Do you have experience introducing solid foods to a baby?
  • Can you share an example of what your day would look like while watching my child?
  • Do you have experience staying in the home for a few days if needed?
  • Do you have experience traveling with families for a few days if needed?
  • Any special duties youve been responsible for you feel are worth noting?
  • Do you have any experience working in a home with pets ?

What Household Tasks Are You Willing To Perform

Each family has unique requirements. Some families may want you to do light cleaning, laundry and cooking. The best way to answer this question is honestly. If you are not interested in doing dishes and other household tasks, you’ll want to make the interviewer aware of this. The goal is to find a family that matches well with you.

Example:”I am willing to carry out various household tasks as needed, and I can prepare light snacks and lunch for the children. I do not mind cleaning up after the children or washing their clothes when needed.”

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Are You Looking For A Long

Some nanny candidates view caregiving as a career. Others consider it a stepping stone, allowing them to earn a living while, say, furthering their education.

Ultimately, neither answer is wrong. However, if theres a timeframe involved, its wise to find out what it is. That way, you can see if their timeline aligns with your needs.

Questions You Cannot Ask

47 Important Nanny Interview Questions You Should Ask ...

As with any formal employee hiring process, you have to follow legal guidelines about the questions you ask. Even though hiring a nanny is a highly personal decision, you cannot ask a candidate about their:

  • Age. is the world’s largest online destination for care. We connect families with caregivers and caring companies to help you be there for the ones you love. does not employ any care provider or care seeker nor is it responsible for the conduct of any care provider or care seeker. provides information and tools to help care seekers and care providers connect and make informed decisions. However, each individual is solely responsible for selecting an appropriate care provider or care seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all applicable laws in connection with any employment relationship they establish. The information contained in member profiles, job posts and applications are supplied by care providers and care seekers themselves and is not information generated or verified by does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment or engage in any conduct that requires a professional license.® HomePay is a service provided by Breedlove and Associates, LLC, a company.

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Interviews: What Your Nanny Is Thinking

I cant tell you how many calls Ive received from nannies after interviews that began like this: Tammy, thank you so much for sending me to the ________ family, but I would like to withdraw my application.

Some families mistakenly think they hold all the power during an interview, but that is not the case. Good nannies will have no trouble finding a good job, so they are interviewing you just as much as you are interviewing them. There have been many times when I sent an incredible nanny to a family for an interview, and the parents blew it! Here are some of the reasons the nannies gave:

The mom was so rude. She did not smile when she opened the door, and she immediately looked me up and down. She made me wash my hands and then scolded me because I did not turn off the sink correctly. She seemed annoyed the whole time, and there is no way that I would ever be able to go to that house every morning.Jeanette, Atlanta, GA

The parents were so anxious and stressed. The house was in total chaos, the kids were fighting, the baby was walking around with no diaper on, and the sink was full of dirty dishes. It just seemed like the job would be totally overwhelming.Naomi, McLean, VA

Here are some of the questions that will be running through the nannys mind during the interview:

Remember that even though you are the employer, you should treat your nanny candidates with professional kindness and respect, because if you end up choosing them, you want the feeling to be mutual.

What Would You Do If My Child Spikes A Fever Or Comes Down With A Rash

Ideally, her answer should be to call you as soon as possible before giving medication. Even better if she can explain varying degrees of severity. For instance, shed call you for a mild rash, but call 911 if she notices severe difficulty in breathing.

One of our twins had a prescription for an Epipen. We instructed our nanny to give it should she see symptoms we described. Unless you give instructions on what to do and when, its best she calls you first.

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How To Structure A Nanny Interview

A productive and effective interview is two-part:

  • First, get to know your nanny in an honest, unrehearsed way.
  • Second, establish your expectations.

Because isnt that the goal of an interview? You want both parties to get to know one another. This is the person who will care for your baby. Even though youre paying her, its not the same as a typical employee. You have much more vested interest in hiring the right person.

And it all begins with the questions we ask.

Free printables: Want a convenient worksheet to print out for each interview? Join my newsletter and grab printables to organize your nanny interview questions! Plus, youll also get worksheets with questions to ask the references your nanny provides. Get them right hereat no cost to you:

Questions To Ask Yourself After A Nanny Interview

Tips for Your Nanny Interview – Red Flags

During the in-person interview, take note of more than just the applicants answers to your questions. Jot down your first impressions post-interview and check your gut reaction. If theres ever a time to trust your instincts, its when making decisions about child care.

Here are a few more things to consider when judging whether a nanny candidate would be a good nanny for your family.

Finally, schedule a test run. Its worth a few days pay to give your top contender a trial run at caring for your baby. This might be a couple of days or a week or two, enough time to give you both a chance to see how things feel. Make sure you are there for at least part of every day so you can gauge whether the nanny is living up to your expectations.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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Nanny Interview Questions When You Have An Infant

Its hard enough to leave your children with anyone thats not you, but having to leave your infant? Were talking next-level hard. But sometimes, its just a necessity. Whether its because you have an unusually short maternity leave, or just feel overwhelmed and need to get away for an hour or so, hiring a nanny for an infant requires a great deal of forethought and careful screening. Which is why the nanny interview questions are so crucial.

Weve come up with a list of the most important questions to ask a nanny for an infant. Of course, there may be many other questions youll want to ask a potential nanny , but the questions below pertain specifically to the critical job of infant care. You know, that round-the-clock cycle of feeding, diapering, and putting to sleep?

This article is written by Christin Perry of MommybitesFor more on this topic, check out the full Childcare Options collection

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Oh yeah, and then doing it all again? It takes a special caregiver to handle a newborns continual needs, so youll want to be sure you hire the best nanny for your infant.

Nanny Interview Questions With Sample Questions And

The interviewer wants to get a sense of your background in childcare, Guide, and hiring a great nanny can take a lot of organization, 3 3, Newborn interview advice, You need to do the following: Top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves, Summer Nannies, Can you really determine in 30-60 minute interview if a nanny will be the best fit for your family? Child care expert and founder, Newborn Care Specialists, Here is a list of questions we recommend as a guide to get to know your potential babysitter, Martha Scully , Newborn interview advice, Check out the article below, Mention any personal or life experiences that have helped you perform as a nanny, Be prepared.The nanny interview is a crucial aspect of the process, not necessarily interviewingThe hiring process to select the perfect care giver for your child intense, Once you have a clear picture, it gives some great tips on

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What Are Top Sample Questionsto Ask A Nanny Good Questions

Sample Interview QuestionsUse the interview questions below as an outline to create a set of questions that match your familys needs.

Reconfirm the candidate meets the requirements of the job

  • For example: Just to confirm Barbara, you can work Monday Friday from 7:00am 7:00pm and you have the flexibility to stay late one night a week, correct?

Explain certain other elements that youd consider important

  • For example: I had a drug test for my recent job. We decided we would like to also do this with our nanny. If we pay for it would you undergo a drug test?

Talk to the nanny about the hardest piece of the job

  • For example: It can be very difficult on days when our 3-month old is not feeling good and is crying. Usually that is the day that our 2-year old wants more attention probably because he is watching the baby get more attention. How would you handle a day like this?

Think outside the box and ask questions then have the nanny give specific examples.

  • For example: Yesterday, my oldest child was playing with a toy but it was time to go to school. He refused to put the toy down and put his shoes on. Can you tell me how you would have handled this situation? .
  • Another example: How would you handle my baby if he would not stop crying?

If you have specific qualifications or abilities that you are looking for in a candidate, make sure to include questions around those items as well.

Sample Personal Questions:

Specifically ask about her life until now

Switch Off The Phone:

Pin by natali_bordyugova on Baby in 2020

It is always important for the person to not get distracted in any way during an interview and maintain a complete focus. So it is recommended that the person should switch off or keep their mobile on silent mode as they will ensure complete silence and no further distraction from their mobile arises. If it isnt done then the phone might ring during the interview which may be unprofessional in nature.

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How To Ace A Nanny Interview

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 48,264 times.Learn more…

Preparing for a nanny interview is a lot like preparing for any other job interview, but there a few elements that are specifically related to the childcare industry. Despite the fact you will be spending most of your days with children, it is important to act and appear professional because you want to make a great impression on the parents who are interviewing you. You should also take some time to think about how you will answer some commonly asked questions.

Interview Questions For A Nanny For An Infant Or Baby:

  • Tell me about your experience with infants/babies.

  • Do you have experience caring for infants who have a difficult time taking a bottle?

  • What is your approach to establishing a sleep schedule?

  • If applicable, do you have experience working with new parents?

  • What is your experience with pumping and/or supplemental feeding?

  • Are you comfortable with our methods of sleep training, play, and/or feeding? What are your preferred methods?

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What To Do About Cons

As mentioned previously, every nanny is going to have cons, but some negatives may not automatically mean that you have to eliminate the candidate. If you have any concerns, try to divide them into two groups:

Fixable Cons: These are the things that you did not like, but that might be fixable with teaching and trainingsuch as such as a different approach to discipline, the wrong way to settle a baby , or what you consider to be an unhealthy way of eating .

Personality-Based Cons: Negatives that can probably not be fixedsuch as a gruff, bossy personality, a loud way of speaking that annoys you, or a rigid view that is the opposite of yours.

If a candidate has fixable cons, but you liked her personality and felt that she was open to direction, you can test the fixable con during the trial. For example: I really didnt like what she said about calming babies, but in the trial, I will show her how we settle Gabe and see if she is able and willing to use our techniques.


I hope that you find this content helpful, informative, and educational as you embark on your journey! As always, please feel free to reach out to us if we can be helpful in your search. Theres a reason why were consistently rated one of the best nanny agencies in NYC and why the bulk of our searches are from repeat clients or referrals!

Why Did You Choose A Nanny Career

Tell Me About Yourself – A Good Answer to This Nanny Interview Question

This question allows you to explain your passion and dedication to childcare. Make sure you provide specific examples about why you chose to become a nanny.

Example:”I chose to become a nanny because I love children. I used to take care of my younger siblings and I would ask my mom if I could help her with all of the various tasks of childcare. I was happy to volunteer in a childcare facility at a young age to solidify my plans to become a nanny after graduation. I’ve always known that I wanted to have an important job caring for children.”

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How Do You Like To Organise Your Breaks

Nurses typically take between three to four hours of a break within any 24-hour period. That is standard. While most like to take their breaks in the mornings, some are more flexible and are also willing to break them into smaller chunks.

Again, there is no right or wrong answer. Youre looking for someone whos approach to work is compatible with yours and your lifestyle.

Another thing to note is what they plan to do on their break. Some prefer to stay in your house to rest, while others might go out for a walk, or return to their home for a couple of hours. The same question can be asked for their days off .

Why Did You Become A Maternity Nurse / Night Nanny

This is a great icebreaker! An easy and simple question to get your conversation going.

Different people have different motivations. There are no good or bad motivations per se, but they can help you understand who they are and how they work.

Many maternity nurses and nannies start working with newborns after already having some childcare experience, e.g. a few years of experience as a nanny, working with older babies and children. Some go straight into maternity nursing, and some decide to start their new career after having grandchildren. At myTamarin, our best maternity nurses have very varied backgrounds.

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Nanny Questions About Their Lifestyle:

  • Do you have a reliable form of transportation?
  • Are you able to send regular/frequent updates throughout the day?
  • Do you have a reliable mobile phone if I need to contact you, or if you need to contact me for an emergency?
  • Are you familiar with where the local emergency hospital is in our area?
  • Do you have any job restrictions or other responsibilities that could prevent you from caring for my child?
  • Outside of caring for children, what other hobbies or interests do you have? What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Do you see yourself being a caretaker for the rest of your life? Why/why not?

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