Sunday, September 1, 2024

How To Prepare For A Screening Interview

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Super Simple Ankle Bells

How to prepare for your Microsoft interview: Technical Interviews

Doesn’t this look like a party ready to start? This would make a great activity for the kids at a birthday party. This is an effortless and straightforward project that is sure to bring kids tons of enjoyment. You need very few materials to make these ankle bells. Make ankle bells by following the instructions at Rainy Day Mum and then sing and dance up a storm.


first palette

How To Avoid Giving An Employer Red Flags

Even if you have a good idea of how you want to answer some of these potential questions, its easy to worry about unintentionally giving an employer some red flags. After all, pre-screening interview questions are short and sweet and dont leave much room for error.

Knowing that, here are some things you should avoid doing when answering these questions:

Our resume builder tool will walk you through the process of creating a stand-out Architect resume.

Tip : Do Your Homework

Prepare for the job interview exactly as you would when meeting the hiring manager in person.

It might be tempting to search the web for answers mid-interview. But if youre seen to be clicking around, it might give the impression that youre not focused on the interviewer.

Be ready to answer any common interview questions without needing to use the internet.

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Why Are You Leaving The Current Job

This is a tricky question as it opens you up to accidentally saying something that will show you inan unfavorable way. To avoid this awkward situation, just do not mention negative things.Answer positively and portray as you making a new step to advance your career as a softwareengineer. For example, if you worked on one project for a long time, you could say that now you wantchanges and want to try something new. If you worked as a freelancer, say that now you want to bepart of an in-house team. The point is, the interviewer is looking for red flags and you need topaint the picture that the main reason you applied for the job was to advance your IT career.

Made Of Imagination: Drum Phil

How to prepare for a video interview

Got a musician’s ear and a tinkerer’s hand? The Made of Imagination contest, co-sponsored by art site Booooooom, MTV, and Sony Xperia, seeks seriously creative homemade instruments.

Kyoto-Japan-based media artist Ally Mobbs went old-school for the Drum Phil, an analog drum sequencer built from a modified Philips 4407 reel-to-reel tape player.

Paper disks can be played with preprogrammed rhythms, or the stylus-mounted tape heads can be removed and used to manually tap out beats by touching the colored dots. Sound is created by magnetic data stored on credit cards and train tickets. Having trouble picturing the way it works? Watch the video below.

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Read The Invitation Email Twice

In what type of interview are you invited to? A phone interview, a virtual meeting or a pre-recorded video interview? This is the first thing you need to identify by reading the invitation email. Once you sort this out, read carefully what is expected of you and if the invitation includes any details on what will be discussed. Are you supposed to be available on a specific day and time? Do you have to download a specific software? Depending on the type of interview, you need to do different mock interviews, but we will get down to that later.

How To Prepare For A Phone Interview

Whether youre trying to launch a career, land an internship, or get into your dream school, first impressions are everything. To get an offer letter, youll need to dazzle the interviewer and showcase yourself in the right light.

Before you hop on the phone, check out these pre-interview tips to make sure that youre prepared and ready to impress.

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Good Questions To Ask During A Phone Interview

Tailor the phone interview questions below to suit your industry and the role youre hiring for. But consider, too, the candidates professional history, or lack thereof. A recent college graduate cant refer to their career successes, for example, but screening questions can be framed to allow candidates to draw on their experience in course seminars and team projects, as well as their volunteer work and self-taught skills. Leadership, drive, industriousness, talent and other valued qualities can be demonstrated in many ways.

Give the same consideration for candidates with a gap in their work history, such as a parent reentering the workforce after raising a couple of kids, or an out-of-work professional two months after a layoff.

Ace Screening Interviews Conclusion

Prepare For A Phone Screen Or Skype Interview

For many applicants, its easier to exhibit their worth through rounds of interviews than to break the initial barrier which is the screening. Screening interview is designed specifically to filter applicants. The reality of any job application is that there are so many jobs to fill. More isnt better, for employers or applicants. Screening is the process of sorting in order to disqualify candidates using successively more detailed examinations of the resumes. It all comes down to this: Be the professional you are, so that you may earn the respect you deserve, and the chance to proceed further in the hiring process.

Screeners might not usually be concerned with evaluating or judging your traits or thought processes. The interviewers have one main duty before putting you forth and taking you to the next interviewing level. They do so by validating your expertise, qualification, skills set, and track record. However, that does not mean you take this part of the interviewing process casually, as it the first stair to the ladder.

Interview as a concept is an art for both the employer/interviewer and the applicant/interviewee. Therefore, mastering this art through practice does not only help you get a job but also sometimes, imbibes in you certain qualities, like basic etiquette of greeting, warm smile, thanking, etc. due to the practice you do while preparing for the interviews.

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How To Make A Cardboard Box Guitar

Let child will explore their musical side with this DIY guitar, customized using a wrapped cardboard box.

Emily Fazio

With an empty tissue box, a paper towel tube and several rubber bands, you can easily create your own toddler-friendly guitar. Use rubber bands of different thicknesses to produce different sounds, and allow your child to strum-strum-strum.

Homemade Musical Instruments To Make With Your Kids

Most of us buy musical instruments, but ever wondered how to make musical instruments with recycled materials?

If you have, youve come to the right place.

In this article, weve put together a list of homemade musical instruments made from recycled household items that you and your little one can make.

Not only is making recycled instruments fun, but it will teach them a little about living sustainably too .

  • Summary
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    Find A Quiet Spot To Interview

    The nice thing about phone interviews is that you dont need to worry about the interviewer judging you on your appearance. The bad news? Theyre definitely evaluating you on your ability to find a quiet spot to interview.

    We get it. Its not your fault that your dog randomly barks at cars or that your roommate likes to blast extremely loud death metal. But a noisy background is super distracting and can make it difficult for both you and the interviewer to connect with each other.

    To reduce potential distractions, let everyone in your household know about the interview in advance and remind them again right before the interview is scheduled to begin. Pick a quiet room that is located away from the kitchen, the media room, and other noisy areas. Then, lock yourself in the room so nobody barges in during the interview.

    If youre still worried about potential noise, you can also sit in your car on a quiet street or book a conference room. Just be sure to scope out your options in advance so youre not scrambling for a better location at the last minute.

    Make Music With A Wine Glass

    How to Avoid Making a Bad Hire This New Year


    A wine glass or champagne flute


  • Hold the glass as far down on the base of the stem as you can. Do not hold it on the flat bottom.
  • Dip the index finger of your other hand into a glass of water. Take that finger and lightly rub it along the rim of your empty wine glass.
  • This should produce a humming sound.
  • The more you practice, the more youll get a feel for how light or hard you should rub your finger on the glass to produce different sounds.

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    The Interview Process Of Toptal

    The application process is split into multiple steps and it aims to imitate what you would expect from applying to any of the American tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon or Microsoft.

  • Phone interview
  • White Board Programming
  • Demo Project
  • Id never gone through this kind of interview process in the past, even though Id read about it. Most of my own work up until this point has been to either Startups or Medium sized businesses that doesnt have as rigorous technical screening as TopTal had at the time, so naturally it made me a bit nervous.

    Splendidly Creative Homemade Musical Instruments

    May 17, 2017 by Sarah

    Do you know what is perfect for a rainy day? A play date? Any sick day? Or a just-about-an-anything day? Homemade musical instruments!!

    If you are just not sure what to do with the little ones, making a homemade musical instrument band is always the answer. So much fun and amazing memories to create as well.

    I originally wrote this post on DIY musical instruments a few years ago, so I thought I would share it again as it really is a classic kids activity. Hope you like it!

    Just before we get started, since I know you love crafting with your little ones, please grab my FREE SEASONAL CRAFTS GUIDE!

    With the weather turning chilly, we are finding ourselves inside more often. More indoor play, reading, art, and far more crafting too. In fact, I am trying very hard to pick up knitting once again . I have successfully knitted 2 hats .

    The kids have also found themselves creating a lot more. And, new to us, has been a lot of crafting homemade musical instruments. The boys have always loved to dance to music, but have only just begun to show an interest in creating the music themselves.

    With a looooonnnng winter ahead, I thought it would be a good idea to stock up on some ideas for homemade musical instruments. And well, I kinda got carried away . So I bring you:

    Don’t Miss: How To Prepare Yourself For A Job Interview

    Lets Start With Percussion

    This is the easiest place to start. Just about anything can become a drum a bucket, a pot, a tennis ball can. If you collect a bunch of differently sized items, you can create a drum set! The folks over at Wikihow bring us three different methods of turning a coffee can into a drum.

    But dont stop there! How about creating some shakers, made from various household items. The folks over at Howcast show us how.

    Mendelssohns Wedding March But Its Played On 100% Homemade Instruments

    How to prepare for Technical Interviews

    A DIY version of Mendelssohns stirring march.

    There are some great musical works you wouldnt consider to be chaotic. Take Mendelssohns Wedding March, for example.

    But swap the rousing organ for wind instruments fashioned from champagne bottles and funnels, introduce a literal washing machine drum and combine one electric mixer with a few pans… and the matrimonial melody sounds a tad different.

    Oh, and dont forget the pièce de résistance: a shrieking red balloon silenced dramatically with a pop.

    Talk about ending with a bang.

    They also do a great take on Bizets Carmen, using warehouse implements and a surprisingly melodious balloon .

    Despite the rendition being a little less mellow and a lot more bellow than the original composition, were mightily impressed by their ingenious musical inventions.

    The group behind the quirky performance is Zic Zazou, a French street band and indoor performance group made up of nine self-described musicians-comedians-singers-craftsmen-inventors.

    If B& Q decide to venture into the music business, these guys are the ones to talk to.

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    Benefits Of Children Learning A Musical Instrument

    Playing music makes children smarter, nicer, and happier. Playing a musical instrument helps children benefit on almost every level: it enhances their cognitive skills while fostering creative thinking and their ability to focus. Loog guitars are specifically designed to be played again and again, providing a stimulating experience that allows kids to learn while having fun.

    This love for music never really goes away, and if nurtured properly, you can raise kids to learn to appreciate good music. And how do you start that? By making some music of their own! Do we get an oboe? An accordion? Guitar Hero? Fill up a jar with rice and call it a day? Not a chance.

    What To Expect During A Screening Interview

    You can expect the following things during a screening interview:

    • Timing: After applying for a job, you can expect the screening interview in the initial stage of the hiring process. For example, its likely to occur after you send your job application and before youre called for an in-depth interview with the hiring manager.
    • Setting: There can be several settings in which this event can take place. For example, you can be interviewed via phone, video conference, during a face-to-face meeting at the employers premises, or through an informal interview in a casual setting.
    • Duration: This recruitment event usually includes a relatively brief meeting when compared to the second and third interviews that are held in the later stages of the hiring process.
    • Interview questions: You can expect to be asked several questions at the screening interview. These questions are likely to be preliminary ones that focus mainly on your interest in the job, your qualifications that match the key criteria in the listing, and logistics.
    • Interviewer: Unlike the interviews that take place during the later stages of a process of recruitment, youre likely to be interviewed by a junior representative of the hiring manager who does not have the power to choose to hire you. However, remember that your interviewers decision on your performance matters because the hiring manager will use it to decide whether or not to move your application forward to the next round.

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    How To Get Ready For A Screening Interview

    A screening interview is an excellent opportunity to win over interviewers and prove to them that you area great fit for a position. Just joining in the interview process without being properly preparedhowever, can be quite riskyespecially if this job wasnt easy to come by. It is therefore important toplay it safe and increase your chances of getting a job by gaining an insight into the common questions that are usually asked during screening interviews!

    The Purpose Of Phone Interviews

    Need a Job? See 30 Sure

    Its no secret that people under the age of 35 tend to dislike talking on the phone. So, why do some employers and colleges insist on conducting phone interviews?

    It mostly comes down to convenience and necessity. Some employers may end up having far more qualified applicants than they can realistically interview. To narrow down their pool of applicants, theyll use phone interviews to identify the top finalists.

    During a phone interview, most employers have the following objectives:

    • To confirm the applicants interest in the position.
    • To make sure that you have the required skills they need.
    • To assess cultural fit.
    • To get a better idea of your expectations, especially on salary and benefits.

    In college admissions, phone interviews are typically conducted by college representatives and former students. These interviews are slightly lower stakes in that your phone interview likely wont make or break your chances of admission. Still, you should come into the interview with an idea of what college interview questions will be asked and how you want to answer them.

    The main objectives of a college interview include:

    • To get to know the applicant a little better, beyond their test scores and grades.
    • To confirm the applicants interest in the college.
    • To discuss the students educational and career goals.
    • To answer questions about the college.

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    Made Of Imagination: Digital Pianola

    The Digital Pianola riffs on player pianos of yore by letting users compose music from paper and light. To create their contraption, designers Benjamin Weetman, Zahra Shahabi Sirjani, and Hal Gillilanperforated more than 130 feet of print roll paper with a vinyl cutter, picking out the perforated dots.

    As the paper passes through a strip of light-dependent resistors working in unison through Arduino and Logic, the removed dots cause light to shine onto light-dependent resistors , thus triggering MIDI samples.

    Strike Up The Band: Creating Homemade Instrumentshow To Make Musical Instruments With Recycled Household Items

    When I last visited my mother, a small piece of fluffy sheepskin broke away from a larger piece that covered one of her chairs. As my two sons raced through the living room, I held it up and asked, This piece of sheepskin just fell off. Does anyone want to make it into a pet? My six-year-old son, Murphy, eagerly seized it and my mother laughed.

    You can make a toy out of anything, she said.

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