Sunday, September 1, 2024

How To Prepare For A Working Interview

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Research The Company And The Job Position You Are Applying For:

How to prepare for a job interview

Write down any questions you may have about either so you can ask during the interview. If there any requirement of the job that you are unsure of, you should definitely ask during the interview. It always looks nice when you go into an interview with intelligent questions. It shows you put effort into preparing for the interview. However, never ask questions just to ask questions. The interviewer will see right through that. Your questions should be genuine and relevant.

How Much Should You Charge To Wash All Of The Windows In Seattle

Some interview questions are meant to sound intimidating. The best response is a straightforward answer, such as a fixed amount per window, or an hourly rate youd charge. Of course, be sure to explain your thought process when calculating your rate. The interviewer is more interested in how you come to your answer and the steps you take to get there.

The Pandemic Has Changed Job Interviews

Obviously, we have fewer face-to-face meetings during the pandemic, even when hiring new employees. This means more telephone interviews and, especially, increased usage of video interviews.

Video interviews offer an opportunity both to interview for a job and also to demonstrate your skills and comfort with the use of technology for business communication. Focus on learning how to successfully interview using technology to be more comfortable and confident in your next job interviews.

To learn more about how interviews have changed, read How to Succeed in Coronavirus Job Interviews which includes both new interview questions employers may ask youandnew questions for you to ask employers.

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The Best Ways To Prepare For An Interview

A study from JDP reports that applicants spend up to seven hours researching the company before their interview. Many candidates also research their interviewer. Because interviewing is often stressful, 70% of those survey practice their responses out loud, and 62% prepare anecdotes to share with the interviewer.

Here’s how to research the job and company, how to practice interview questions and answers, how to dress for the interview, how to follow up after the interview, and more interview preparation tips.

Practice Real Interview Questions

How to Prepare for an Interview!

While its nearly impossible to gauge the exact questions youll be asked at any given interview, there are still some general ones you can practice giving answers to thatll help prepare you for the process.

If youre at a loss for what interviewers tend to ask, a quick Google search can help remedy that. To help, heres a quick list of interview questions you can think through and practice answering ahead of time:

  • Why are you the best person for this position?
  • What are your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses?
  • What relevant experience have you had thatll help you succeed in this position?
  • Where do you see yourself five years from now?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • Tell me about the most difficult project you had to complete at your previous job and how you handled it
  • Why is there a gap in your employment history?
  • Whats your skillset? How are you looking to improve?
  • How do you deal with stressful situations?
  • What are your passions outside of work?
  • Why did you leave your last position?
  • How do you use your leadership skills in the workplace?
  • Whats one thing our company could improve on?

Dont be afraid to ask a friend to help you practice some of the more common interview questions. Feedback from people you trust can help you refine how you approach each question as well as your delivery.

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Practice Your Speaking Voice And Body Language

Its important to make a positive and lasting impression during the interview process. You can do this by practicing a confident, strong speaking voice and friendly, open body language. While these might come naturally to you, you might also want to spend time performing them with trusted friends or family or in front of a mirror. Pay special attention to your smile, handshake and stride.

To learn more about interview body language, consider the following resources:

Examine The Organizations Website

Job scams are plentiful today! If this employer has no website, move on.

Both the employers website and the LinkedIn Company page present the party line about the organization what they tell the world, and potential customers/clients, about themselves. As you read, consider: does the information raise any questions or concerns for you OR do you find opportunities and interesting work?

On the employers website, study the home page, but dont stop there. Read the About Us and Contact Us sections to learn more about who they are and who is in charge. Then, look around at the other pages.

  • Know the industry or purpose of the organization. Be sure that is what you expect and want to be involved in.
  • Become familiar with the products or services. Know the brand names, if any, or at least the purpose or function.
  • Check for press releases or the latest news about the organization.
  • Look for names of the senior officers or founders and other highly-visible employees. Are any of them familiar to you or perhaps known to you?
  • Where are they located?
  • Do they have their jobs posted?

Read How to Leverage the Information on Employer Websites for more details on digging out information from the employers website.

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How Do You Work Under Pressure

Many jobs involve moments when, for varied reasons, there are unexpected situations that require swift action. The ability to stay calm, think logically and act correctly in such a scenario is a major asset.

This is another good instance of when to use the STAR method to talk about a specific time you were faced with a challenge, might have succumbed to stress but managed to calmly find a solution.

Example answer:Throughout my career, Ive discovered how to embrace working under pressure. I find that routine can make us complacent, so I try to look for challenges that push me to grow.

One time, I was supposed to deliver a project to a client in five days. A colleague who was working with another client had the same deadline, but he had to take a leave of absence due to personal reasons. I was forced to take up both projects at the same time. While I felt an initial sense of panic, I tried to reframe it as an opportunity to see what I might be capable of. Instead of letting the stress get to me, I came up with a very detailed time management plan and found new ways to boost my efficiency that enabled me to deliver both projects on time.

Read more: Interview Question: “How Do You Work Under Pressure?”

Get Ready To Follow Up After The Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

After your interview, you should prepare to follow up with the employer. Doing so reminds the employer of your conversation, shows them you are genuinely interested in the position and gives you the opportunity to bring up points you forgot to mention.

Here are a few steps you can follow when crafting a follow-up note:

  • In the first paragraph, mention the specific job title and thank your interviewer.

  • In the second paragraph, note the companys name as well as a conversation point and/or goal that seemed especially important to the person you spoke with. Connect that point to your experience and interests.

  • In the final paragraph, invite them to ask you any additional questions and close by saying youre looking forward to hearing back.

Read more: Follow-Up Email Examples For After the Interview

Final tip: If you dont know the answer to a certain question, it is perfectly acceptable to pause for a moment and simply state, Let me think about that for a moment. The employer will appreciate you taking the time to give them a thoughtful answer. Be sure to provide specific examples wherever possible. Taking time to prepare for an interview will ultimately help you feel more relaxed and confident during the process.

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What Can You Bring To The Company

This question is similar to, Why should we hire you? A strong answer will demonstrate the skills you have to be successful in this role as well as your potential to bring a new perspective to the business.

Research the company in-depth to understand its culture and business needs. Explain why your skills, experience and characteristics uniquely position you to advance organizational objectives. Use an example from your work experience that speaks to your skill set.

Example answer:My problem-solving abilities allow me to work extremely well under pressure, which I understand is a common occurrence in this role. In a previous position as the purchasing lead, I had to decide which supplies to order to stay within the budget, but I had a limited amount of time to make a decision. I quickly created a spreadsheet that helped me compare manufacturers prices and was able to order the necessary supplies on time and within our budget. I used the spreadsheet throughout the rest of my time with the company to help them save over $500,000. I will bring the same interest and motivation for making an impact here at ABC Company.

Read more: Interview Question: “What Can You Bring to The Company?”

What Does Customer Service Mean To You

If youre applying for a public-facing role, an employer may ask this question to determine what aspects of customer service are most important to you. . A good answer will align with the companys values, which you can glean through researching their customer service policy, understanding their products and clientele and reflecting on your own experiences as a customer. Your answer can either come from the perspective of a customer or a customer service provider.

Example answer:In my experience, good customer service involves taking responsibility when something goes wrong and doing what you can to make it right. For example, on a recent flight, I had pre-ordered my meal only to discover they didnt stock enough of my dish. Instead of simply stating the facts, the flight attendant apologized sincerely and offered me a free drink or premium snack. To me, this apology went a long way in smoothing things over. The freebie was a bonus that made me feel valued as a customer and choose the same airline for my next flight.

Read more: Interview Question: What Does Customer Service Mean to You?

Read Also: Questions To Ask A Cfo

Read And Review The Job Description

Youve received a call for that dream job, so how do you prepare for the interview? The first step in the preparation process should be to go back and review the job description. Most job descriptions follow a similar pattern and are usually categorised by the following points:

  • Job title/Department
  • Duties and tasks
  • Skills required

The job title and department will give you an understanding of the major purpose of the position and where the role fits into the organisation, allowing you to discover who your potential line manager could be.

Read and review the job description very thoroughly and be sure to align your competencies with the skills required for the job. You will consequently ready yourself for questions around your previous experiences, performing similar duties in other organisations.

Read About The Company And Role

How to prepare for a job interview

It essential to do your homework about the company and the specific role you are applying for, before going for any interview.

Go through their company website you should at least know what the company does. Read about what are the core products or services the company offers.

If possible, go through their Vision, Mission or Values statements if you use them in your answers, it helps you make a good impression.

Last but definitely not the least, read about the Job Description and the Requirements for the position that you are applying for thoroughly. Basically, find out what your potiential employer wants, and in the interview, show them how you are a good fit for their requirements.

Now, let’s get into the details of answering the 10 common interview questions:

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How To Handle Inappropriate Questions

Under regulations from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , employers are barred from asking certain questions that can be considered discriminatory. These questions involve ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, family arrangements or other personal identity factors. This Business News Daily article outlines other illegal job interview questions that employers shouldn’t ask.

If you feel uncomfortable with a question or believe it’s discriminatory, you have several options for how to respond:

  • Politely ask the interviewer what relevance the question has to the position or why the question is being asked.
  • Redirect the conversation toward a discussion of your skills and abilities as they relate to the position.
  • Answer the question.
  • Refuse to answer the question.
  • End the interview.
  • If an employer asks something truly offensive or discriminatory, you can file a complaint with the EEOC.

Take A Deep Breath Before Your Job Interview

Getting nervous before an interview is a common response. So its important to think of how you can manage that nervous energy before you go into your interview. One helpful strategy is to regulate your breathing. Before your interview take a few deep breaths and:

  • Inhale through your nose and count for four seconds
  • Exhale through your mouth and count for four seconds

When you take deep breaths you send a message to your brain that will help you to relax. This will help you to stay focused and provide clear responses to interview questions.

When you follow these interview tips, hopefully, you will receive a job offer so that you can resume your career in Canada. However, even if you dont get a job offer, you can be proud of your effort and consider this interview as an important practice for your next interview! All the experience that you get will only improve your interview skills and performance.

For more information about finding a job in Canada resource page for tools, resources, webinars, and more!


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Plan Your Journey To The Job Interview

When preparing for a job interview one of the most important things to consider is how you are going to get there. A failure to plan is a plan to fail. If you are planning on driving to the interview, make sure you fill your car with fuel the night before. You dont want to be filling up on the way dressed in your suit.

Make sure you arrive on time, or better yet, at least 15 minutes early. Ensure this by knowing the address and if you can, have a trial run a couple of days before. The morning of the interview, check the traffic reports and have a backup route planned just in case. If you are travelling by train or bus, make sure you check the weather report the night before and keep an eye on the public transport websites for any delays. Look out for track works or traffic conditions that can potentially delay your train or bus trip.

Go to bed early the night before and wake up early to give yourself plenty of time.

Practice Your Answers To Common Interview Questions

Work Search – How Do I Prepare for an Interview?

One of the most uncomfortable interview preparation tips is to practice answering common interview questions. Practice pays off, and many interviewers can spot the difference between a candidate who practiced and one who didnt.

You should be able to concisely tell the interviewer about yourself. Prepare quick answers for the following questions:

  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • What was a conflict you faced at work and how did you deal with it?
  • Why are you looking for a new/different job?
  • Why should we hire you?

Rehearsing answers to common questions can also give you something to say if a question catches you off guard, and you need time to think of a relevant response. These responses can also help you steer the conversation back in the right direction if you feel its drifting.

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Learn About The Interviewer

Think about it, when you go into an interview, the hiring manager already knows a little bit about who you are. You, however, know nothing about them. To help take the pressure off and create conversation that flows easily, do a little bit of research about the person interviewing you. This research isnt in-depth . It is just a foundation to build your conversation upon.

Learn about your interviewer using LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. The goal is to find out about their interests, education or anything else that could help with conversation. For example, you might notice on LinkedIn that you and your interviewer both went to Big 10 schools. That is a great talking point during a lull in conversation. The goal is not to be stalker-like, but rather to be informed and prepared. Hiring managers naturally want to hire people that they like and get along with.

Try To Relax And Do Your Best

Remember, you have already done the hardest part because you already got the job interview. You have learned how to prepare for an interview and you have prepared well. Now it is time to just do your best. Everyone makes mistakes during interviews. If you make an error, take a moment to pause and start again.

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Do You Have To Get Paid For A Working Interview

Yes. From an employer’s perspective, whether or whether you hire the person, you must compensate them for their time spent in a working interview. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in employment claims for unpaid wages. Additionally, the procedure should allow the prospect to choose whether or not they wish to work for your organization.

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