Friday, June 28, 2024

How To Send A Follow Up Email After An Interview

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When To Follow Up After An Interview

How To Follow Up After A Job Interview – Interview Follow Up Email Template

Your first step should be to send a thank you note to the interviewers within two days of the interview. Only one in 20 candidates send a thank-you note after an interview, so taking the time to write one is a great opportunity to leave a positive impression on the interviewers.

I suggest sending it by email and keeping it brief thank everyone who interviewed you for their time, re-emphasize your interest in the role, and express excitement about the next step in the recruitment process. You can also reference specific conversations that may have come up in the interview and use your thank you letter to highlight the ways your skills and experience are a good match for the position. Finally, if theres something you forgot to mention during the interview, this is a great opportunity to bring it up.

If the company hasnt told you anything about the next step, its best to wait at least a week before you follow up after an interview. If you are overeager, you risk annoying the recruiter or the hiring manager. However, if youve sent your thank-you note and the decision date the hiring manager indicated has come and gone, its time to follow up.

Do Follow Up On Specifics

The followup note is a great place to follow up on specifics that were brought up in the interview. If you discussed a blog post you wrote or a project you executed, send them relevant materials. If they asked for a writing sample, include a link to your portfolio if they asked for a list of references, get them all of the contact information they’ll need. Including this will show that you’re reliable and on top of things.

The Benefits Of Sending A Follow

An effective thank-you note does more than just express your appreciation. It helps you make the case for your candidacy and gives you another chance to impress the hiring manager. A Robert Half survey reported that 58% of hiring managers thought thank-you messages were somewhat helpful, and 22% said they were very helpful.

To get started on your note, review examples of follow-up emails and letters. Then, customize your message to reflect your goals.

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Following Up On The Day Of Your Interview: Email Template

When to send it: after a job interview, the same day

Once youve been through the effort of a job interview, one more thing can help you make a great impression: a short email showing gratitude. Generally, youd send it later on in the day of your interview but if it was a late interview, the next morning is fine.

Its best to keep this email short and sweet. Dont push for answers or go into detail about the interview stick to a simple thank-you and reiterate your interest in the role.

Email subject line: Thank you,

Hi ,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the role. It was great to meet with you and learn more about the position.

Im excited about the opportunity to join and am particularly interested in the details you shared about .

Meeting you and hearing more about the role has validated for me that its something I would enjoy. Im confident that my experience in and my interest in make me a strong candidate for the role.

Please let me know if I can provide any further information that would be helpful to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again,

How Long Should The Thank You For The Interview Email Be

Sample Follow Up Email After Interview

Now that you have some examples of a good thank you email, youve probably noticed that they vary in style and length. Still, none of these go into a lot of details and are relatively brief. On average, recruiters who help people find their next legal job recommend that a thank you letter for an interview should be between 85 and 150 words in length.

It can go up to 200 words, especially if youre applying for a high-level position or you have plenty of experience in the field. At the end of the day, the key is knowing the company where youre applying for the job. This will help you decide what type of follow-up email after the interview works best.

If youve agreed on something in your interview, make sure to follow through, even if it exceeds the aforementioned word count. These arent rules set in stone, and it is up to you to craft the appropriate email for the job youre applying for.

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Dont Bring Up Interview Mistakes

What about if you flubbed an answer in your interview? Is the thank-you email a place to explain yourself, clarify a mistake you made, or provide a better answer than the one you gave in the heat of the moment?

In most cases, you shouldnt bring it up at all, experts say.

Dont remind an interviewer of negative aspects of an interview, Jensen said. Finish on a positive note.

Manoske thinks it depends on the severity of the flub. He gave an example of a recent client of his who gave the interviewer an incorrect number . In her follow-up email, she briefly mentioned, I meant to say its X, not Y.

That was one word, and it was so obvious, you didnt want to leave it out there, Manoske said. In general, Im 80 percent in agreement with the idea of, if I flubbed one, I dont want to bring it back.

Sending More Information Follow Up Email After Second Interview


I hope this email finds you well. I had a great time on DATE OF INTERVIEW during our discussion about the position for ROLE TITLE.

I felt really inspired by the direction of our conversation, especially when you mentioned TOPIC MENTIONED IN INTERVIEW.

This actually led me to do a little more research in this area, especially in relation to how COMPANY NAME fits into the industry and the potential directions that could be taken.

Ive attached with this email a summary of what I found in this little piece of research, if youd like to see. In any case, I just wanted you to know that I am very serious and passionate about what COMPANY NANME is doing in the world, and Id love the chance to part of the team, offering my expertise as a ROLE TITLE.

If youd like any more information from me to assist you with your decision, let me know.

Have a great day.

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Template For A Thank You Email After A Phone Interview

An employer may conduct phone interviews, or phone screens, with a dozen or more applicants for every job opening. Youre in a crowded field of candidates, all vying for the opportunity to interview in-person. One way to differentiate yourself is to craft a considerate post-interview thank you email as soon as you get off the phone.

Subject Line: Thank you for your time today.

Dear ],

I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the ] position at ]. After our conversation, Im very excited about this opportunity. I believe my skills and interests are a perfect match for this role.

I am particularly interested in ]

I appreciate the time you took to interview me today, and I look forward to having the opportunity to meet you in person.

If you need any additional information from me, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.


Email #: Close The Loop

HOW TO FOLLOW UP after a Job Interview! (The PERFECT Interview Follow-Up Email Template!)

Hi Amy,

Wanted to give you an update: I did end up talking to Susan, and you were right Acme is definitely a fit for me. Im reaching out to a friend there to learn all I can about Acme before I apply. If theres anyone else you think I should speak to, please let me know.

Thanks again! Ill let you know how it goes.


Now is when you separate yourself from 99.999% of people by showing the person youre emailing that you actually took action on what they suggested.

If you give specific names of people and companies, thatll show you were listening. Itll also show the person youre emailing that they were right which is a major psychological boost for them.

Just like my Briefcase Technique, this system seems simple and obvious until you use it. Then its true power is revealed.

And its incredibly effective. Check out this email I got from a reader who used the Closing the Loop Technique to help him get a job.

Hey Ramit,

One more testimonial to the Closing The Loop technique that you taught last night. I reached out to a prior boss I havent seen in 4 to 5 years about a position I heard about at that company. All I had asked for was if I could still use him as a reference and his up-to-date contact info. He responded in less than a half-hour. By following up and offering to keep him in the loop, he then responded with an offer for a letter of recommendation and an offer to send a personal email to the hiring manager on my behalf. Holy Crap! It really works

-Greg H.

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Things To Avoid In A Thank You Letter After The Interview

Apart from failing to customize your letter, there are several other things to avoid before hitting the send button.

Make sure to read through it a couple of times to ensure there arent any errors. Look for typos and double-check whether youve included a subject. Also, make sure that the name of your interviewer is spelled correctly.

Next, focus on the tone and length of your email after the interview. Are you being formal enough? Is your email too long to be appropriate? Check your attachment section and make sure the attached document is the one you want to send to your employer? Your potential employer will be happy to receive a thank you note after an interview, but it has to be done right.

Playful Follow Up Email After Second Interview


Im still feeling totally inspired after our second interview on DATE OF INTERVIEW. I want you to know how much I appreciate the opportunity to join COMPANY NAME as your new ROLE TITLE, and feel like it really is the perfect fit for my skills and passion.

Im sure you could tell how eager I am about the position from our talk, so Ill be waiting for your decision trying to not check my email every 5 minutes!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again and have a great day,


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Why You Should Send An Interview Follow

There are lots of reasons why you should craft this type of email. First off, it increases your chances of landing your dream job. By sending an email to the interviewers, you show your enthusiasm and interest in the role. This is even more powerful after youve met with them in person, as you have more clues about the job and why it suits you and more tangible evidence to prove it.

Apart from that, its a good chance to showcase your communication skills to the interviewers. Abilities such as relationship management, effective communication, and professional networking are huge assets for most jobs. Hence, writing an effective follow-up email will add a positive note to your interview performance.

Subject: Appreciated Your Time Today

9+ Follow Up Email Templates After Interview

Hi ,

Thanks for meeting with me today I appreciate you taking the time.

I really enjoyed our conversation, and was especially excited about what you shared about the companys new initiative for aligning the sales and marketing orgs. Its always great to chat with someone whos passionate about RevOps.

Let me know if you have any further questions. And no matter the outcome, I hope we can stay in touch.


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The Thanks Again Follow


I just wanted to say thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to me about with . I appreciate your time and consideration.

After meeting with you and your colleagues, , I believe that my experience posits me as the perfect candidate for this position. In addition to my enthusiasm for , I would bring the necessary to get the job done.

I am reaching out once more to express that I am very interested in working for you and sincerely look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you need any more information.

Thank you again,

The I Figured I’d Give You Another Try Here Follow

Hey ,

I just sent you an email last week, but I figured I’d drop you another quick line in case you missed it. I know it’s been a crazy week with .

I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to meet with me to discuss the position in more detail. I really enjoyed learning more about your company, and I look forward to talking more about the next steps. Please let me know if there’s anything else you need from me in the meantime.


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Take Your Thank You Email To The Next Level

While the template above is all you need, if you really want to blow a hiring manager out of the water, add in another few lines before I look forward to… with some ideas you have on how you could add value. Think: a quick mock-up of something you discussed in the interview if youre in a creative role, taglines if youre in branding, or some slides or possible partners if youre in business development or sales.

It could look something like this:

A Formal Interview Thank You Email

How to Follow Up After An Interview

Dear Mr/Mrs. Smith,

Thank you for meeting with me yesterday to discuss the opportunity at .

I enjoyed learning about the organizations and was impressed by your companys impact in the field of

I am very interested in the role, and I believe that my experience and skills would be a perfect match for the position we discussed. I can begin to contribute immediately by .

Please do not hesitate to let me know if I can provide you with any additional information. Thank you once again for the opportunity. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


This second option works better with almost all legal companies. Its a very formal and equally professional job interview thank you email.

Whichever option you decide to go with, dont forget to add your contact information at the end of the email. Yes, your new employer likely already has your contact details on record. But its in your best interest to make it as easy as possible for your prospective employer to contact you.

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How To Send A Follow

Learning how to send a follow-up email after an interview is pretty simple, and there a few core considerations you should build your personalized message around. These include:

Say Thanks Naturally, thanking your interviewers for their time and the opportunity for you to share your skills and experience should be the first thing you do when considering how to write a follow-up interview email. Saying thanks gives you another chance to express your enthusiasm for the position, while also showing motivation and ambition qualities that are highly prized in a professional environment.

Answer Open Questions If there are questions that you feel you didnt answer well, or that were left open for other reasons, the follow-up email is your opportunity to address them again. The key, however, is to be succinct a three-page email going over everything you said in the interview is not likely to be received well. Additionally, include links to examples of your work that tie into specific points made during the interview.

Inquire About the Next Steps If you want to follow-up on an email after an interview when you havent heard back, one approach is to inquire about the next steps in the process. Particularly if this information wasnt provided during the interview, you have the perfect opportunity to reach out and touch base. Offer to provide more information if required and ensure you include your contact details and times you are available to chat.

Write A Thank You Note

You still have one more chance to stand out and leave a good impression.

The first follow-up email after an interview should be a thank-you note sent no more than 24 hours after you meet. Some say that mailing a hand-written letter will make you stand out, but it is completely acceptable to send a thank-you email. You should always send a note to each person you interviewed with, including the recruiter. Here are some tips for writing a thank-you note:

  • Be brief, friendly, and conversational. Youâve already had the job interview, so let your gratitude and personality show a little bit.
  • Restate your interest in the job and any relevant details on why youâre qualified.
  • Include one of the three tactics in this post to stand out from the crowd.
  • Thank them for their time as job interviews can require employers to set aside a lot of time, often forcing them to push off work.
  • Add any significant information you may have forgotten to say in the interview.

Here is an example thank you note:

Hi ,

Thank you so much for meeting with me today. After learning more about the position, Iâm very excited for the opportunity to join your team and help for .

I really enjoyed hearing your perspective on .

I know my years of experience of working on would greatly benefit .

Please keep me posted on the status of the hiring process. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Warm regards,

For example, you could add a suggestion that looks like this:

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