Sunday, June 30, 2024

What To Prepare For A Phone Interview

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Answers The Phone Professionally

9 Phone Interview Tips – How to Prepare for a Phone Interview

I listen to how the candidate answers the phone. While many people expect unknown numbers to be from spam callers these days, people who are expecting interview calls should still be prepared to sound pleasant and energetic when answering a call around the expected time of the interview. This effort to be prepared will already show a lot about the candidates work ethic and level of professionalism.

Direct Them To Your Personal Branding Website

Say whaaat? Personal branding website?

Oh what, you didnt know one of the best new strategies that all the best job seekers are employing?

Its true, having your own personal branding website can be one of the most powerful tools you use as part of your job search.

Why? Well there are dozens of reasons, but most importantly, a personal website will allow you to impress hiring managers, differentiate yourself from your competitors, increase your visibility online and create a hub for your personal brand online.

Not to mention it lets you show off so much more of your personality than your resume or cover letter can. And this is absolutely HUGE for someone having a phone interview, when the name of the game is standing out and being memorable.

What do you think is more memorable? Someone who submits their resume and cover letter and then answers a few questions over the phone or someone who does all of the above and then directs the hiring manager over to their website, allowing them to receive the many benefits I listed above?

Its a no brainer and heres a little secret.

Its not that hard.

Especially since I made a blog post for you that shows you exactly how to do it, How To Set Up Your Personal Website In Under 15 Minutes. This blog post will hold your hand through the process and make it brain-dead easy for you, even if you are terrible at using computers.

When Speaking To Hiring Manager/human Resources

  • Is there an orientation process for new hires?
  • What are my long range possibilities with this job? What is the advancement process?
  • Is there potential for professional growth with the company?
  • Does the company encourage employees to further their education and improve their skills through classes or conventions?

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What Type Of Management Style Do You Prefer

Employers may ask about your ideal management style to see whether or not you would fit well with the supervisor that will be managing you. For example, if you prefer to work with a trusting, collaborative manager that creates a calm, creative working environment, you might not work well with more fast-paced, aggressive leadership styles.

Example answer:While Im flexible in working with many different personality types, Ive found that the management style I thrive most under is both trusting and involved. While I dont like to feel micromanaged, I do very much enjoy quality one-on-one time on a regular basis to brainstorm ideas for the projects Im working on and how I can do better in my role.

Hire And Develop The Best

Get Some Great Phone Interview Tips

Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization. Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others. We work on behalf of our people to invent mechanisms for development like Career Choice.

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Potential Fit Into Companys Culture

I look for candidates that have a variety of experience, specifically if they have community and leadership experience in addition to professional work experience. I look for candidates that give back outside of their day-to-day roles, by getting involved and giving back in some capacity. In an initial phone screen, I want to learn a succinct background on the individual, I want them to be prepared, confident, polite, professional, and have good communication skills. A thank you email or card afterward is always a great sign too.

Phone Interview Tips That Will Land You A Second Interview

By Jeff Gillis


Your resume is stellar, your application was impeccable, youve caught a potential employers attention and now they want to get to know you better.

In years gone by that would have meant an in person interview but in todays increasingly busy digital world, many preliminary and some final interviews are being held in a wide variety of mediums including on the phone.

A phone interview? As in, we talk on the phone and not actually in person? As in, they have NO idea what Im actually wearing during the interview!? This is AMAZING!

Great, right?

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our “Phone Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet” that gives you word for word sample answers to the most common phone interview questions that you can use in your next phone interview.

Nothing like an interview for your dream job where you can lounge around in your pajamas, secretly watching TV out of the corner of your eye and, gasp, maybe even surf the web at the same time and update your status to Kickin it in my footie jammies knockin out my interview!

Nothis guy isnt ready for his phone interview!

Not so fast. Yes, its true, your future boss might not need to know that youre on the other end of the line in your favorite Scooby Doo flannels, but that doesnt mean that you shouldnt treat the phone interview as seriously, if not more seriously, than any other standard interview.


No buts.

More seriously? Is that even a thing?

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Tips To Answer Questions During Phone Interviews

Here are a few additional strategies that will help you to rock your phone interview.

Observe phone interview etiquette Dos and Donts. When it comes to getting hired, phone interview etiquette is just as important as in-person job interview etiquette. That’s because, regardless of the means of communication, a successful interview will get you to the next stage of the hiring process.

Do a mock interview. Ask friends or family members to help you conduct a mock interview and record it so that you can hear what you sound like over the phone.

Prepare your environment. Prepare a quiet, comfortable space for the interview itself, so that youll feel ready for the call.

Prepare for tough interview questions. Preparing for these tough interview questions will save you from being surprised, should the interviewer decide to skip the easy stuff. And even if she keeps it simple for the phone screen, youll be happy you prepared for the harder questions that may arise in a face-to-face job interview later on.

The Purpose Of Phone Interviews

Phone Interview Tips – How to Prepare for a Phone Interview

Its no secret that people under the age of 35 tend to dislike talking on the phone. So, why do some employers and colleges insist on conducting phone interviews?

It mostly comes down to convenience and necessity. Some employers may end up having far more qualified applicants than they can realistically interview. To narrow down their pool of applicants, theyll use phone interviews to identify the top finalists.

During a phone interview, most employers have the following objectives:

  • To confirm the applicants interest in the position.
  • To make sure that you have the required skills they need.
  • To assess cultural fit.
  • To get a better idea of your expectations, especially on salary and benefits.

In college admissions, phone interviews are typically conducted by college representatives and former students. These interviews are slightly lower stakes in that your phone interview likely wont make or break your chances of admission. Still, you should come into the interview with an idea of what college interview questions will be asked and how you want to answer them.

The main objectives of a college interview include:

  • To get to know the applicant a little better, beyond their test scores and grades.
  • To confirm the applicants interest in the college.
  • To discuss the students educational and career goals.
  • To answer questions about the college.

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Prepare Questions For The End

Just like for any job interview questions you ask in the end are important. When the interviewer asks you, in the end, do you have any questions this is your opportunity to shine. Dont just hand up the phone. If you prepare questions beforehand you wont be surprised and you will keep your cool.

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Top Tips To Prepare For A Phone Interview

So, you just got an E-mail from a hiring manager, and they want to interview you for a position that you have been looking forward to. Yet, this one is different It is a phone interview. How do you know if you are giving the right answers? Are you explaining yourself well? Do they even like you? Unfortunately, you cannot see their faces or body language to get a clue about how well you are doing. You might start to feel anxious right about now, but you have nothing to worry about if you prepare. Here are our top tips to prepare for a phone interview:

  • Prepare your environment
  • First, you should confirm the date and time that the interview will take place. That way you can get your environment ready for the call ahead of time. Make sure you are in a quiet, and relaxing space. Maybe you can put a video of a beach on your tv, sit next to a window with a nice view, or light up some lavender candles. This could help your nerves calm down and portray confidence over the phone.

    Also, make sure you are in a room that has good reception. You do not want the call to be cut off before the interview is over. Test the reception in all of the rooms that you think would be ideal for the interview, and choose the one that works best.

  • Prepare yourself
  • Prepare your phone
  • Present yourself when answering the phone
  • Ask about what comes next in the interview process
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    Get Ready For The Call

    Before the call, confirm all the details, including the date, time, and who you will be talking to. Be sure you know whether the interviewer is calling you or if you need to make the call.

    If something goes wrong and you miss the call, or the recruiter doesn’t call on time, take a deep breath and try to stay calm. You should be able to get the call back on track or reschedule if need be.

    Use a quiet, comfortable, and private space with no distractions so you can focus on the interview.

    If you’ll be using your cellphone, make sure it’s fully charged, and you are in a spot with good reception for the call. You may also find that standing during an interview helps you sound more energetic during the call.

    What Is Your Salary Expectation

    4 Secrets that

    Many interviewers will ask this question during a phone interview. This helps them narrow down the candidate pool to those whose expectations match the salary range they have within their budget. Research common salaries for the position within your state to determine an appropriate response, should this question come up.

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    Why Do You Want This Job

    Recruiters might ask this question during a phone interview to understand more about your current work situation. When explaining why you want the job, remember to stay positive about your current employer if you currently have a job.

    Example answer:I noticed that the parts of my previous positions I enjoyed the most were those that aligned with whats listed in your job description, like creative writing and building relationships with stakeholders. While I am grateful for my time at my current company, I feel that its time to move into a role more tailored to my talents where I can continue to grow as a PR professional.

    Phone Interview Tip #: Understand Who’s Calling

    Some Phone Interview Questions You Might Get:

    • Tell me a little bit about your work history.
    • Why are you looking to leave your current company?
    • What is the biggest challenge you have seen at your current position and how did you overcome it?
    • Describe a substantial win in your last position.
    • What was your favorite/least favorite element of your last position?
    • How can you contribute to our companys success?
    • How well do you work by yourself, with a team?
    • Why are you interested in coming to work for us?
    • Why are you attracted to this specific position?
    • What makes you the ideal candidate for this position?
    • When can you come in for a face-to-face interview?
    • Are you willing to relocate? If we don’t provide relocation assistance, are you still willing?
    • What are your salary requirements?
    • How far along are you in your search? Are you speaking to other companies?
    • Tell me about in your resume.
    • Where do you see yourself in five years?
    • What questions do you have for me?

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    Take Advantage Of Being Unseen

    There are several advantages of being unseen:

    • You can wear comfortable clothes.
    • You should have your resume/notes/questions strategically spread across the desk so you can reference key answers to phone interview questions you know youll be asked.
    • Plus, you can have one little page of reminders taken from this article to make sure you dont slip into bad habits.

    In some ways, being unseen takes some of the pressure off. You dont have to be aware of your posture, eye contact, or facial expressions. But dont let this aspect lull you into a false sense of security. You still have to remain on top of your game the whole time.

    Example Phone Interview Questions

    How To Do A Phone Interview Successfully – Phone Interview Tips

    Since a phone interview is more of a pre-interview, recruiters will often ask very similar questions. Most will focus on the skills and experiences that are essential to the job. They want to confirm that you have the exact skill set theyre looking for before they commit to a more in-depth video or in-person interview. Here are some questions you should be prepared to answer.

  • Walk me through your resume.Also known as Tell me about yourself. Keep your answer to 90 seconds and plan it out in advance. Basically, you want to clearly and briefly walk the interviewer through your career journey. Start with why you chose this career path, with a focus on your college and degree. Next, move on to your professional experience. Begin with your earliest job and work up to the most current, focusing on any relevant skills and responsibilities and emphasizing how theyll help you add measurable value in this role. If youre looking for your first job out of college, its fine to share your internship and part-time job experience as well as clubs or volunteer work. Just be sure to relate everything back to this role.
  • Why do you want to work here?Now is the time to dazzle the interviewer with your researchand with your enthusiasm. Recruiters want to hire someone who is passionate about working for them, not someone who is just looking for a steady paycheck. Talk about how this role connects to your skillset, career goals, and experience.
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    How Many Years Of Experience Do You Have Working In This Line

    If theyre going to be working hands-on with specific instruments or software, its best to understand the experience they have with that software and what they have been able to achieve with it.

    This is extremely important, especially if the position isnt an entry-level position. It is essential to make sure they understand the software and how to excel at it.

    Why Are You Looking For A New Position Why Did You Leave Your Previous Post

    This is a fundamental question you need to ask candidates you speak with.

    What happened in the previous job that made them leave? Was in an unhealthy work environment? Is it a personal reason? This is important as it gives you an immediate insight into the candidate and their past work experience.

    Its also important to note that whatever reply candidates give, they will not give a reply that paints them in a bad light as doing this may hinder their chances of getting this job.

    Phone Interview Tips That Will Help You Get Hired

    While you’re job searching, it’s important to be prepared for a phone interview at a moment’s notice. Many companies start the interview process with a phone call to discuss the job opportunity with a prospective employee, determine whether the candidate is a good fit, and to gauge his or her interest in the position. In some cases, a phone interview may be the only interview you’ll have.

    In many cases, your interview will be scheduled in advance by email or phone. In others, you may receive a surprise phone call asking whether you’re available to chat about the job.

    You never know when a recruiter or a networking contact might call and ask whether you have a few minutes to talk, so always answer the phone professionally, especially if the number is unfamiliar.

    You should also make sure that your voicemail message is professional.

    Coronavirus And Job Interviews

    4 Secrets that

    COVID-19 is affecting the way businesses recruit new candidates. While a small number of business are still holding face-to-face interviews, the majority of organisations are unlikely to do so until the current social distancing restrictions come to an end. Because of this, it’s now more important than ever to make sure that your telephone and video interview skills are up to scratch.

    Read on to discover how to ace a telephone interview.

    While all the basics of a face-to-face interview apply, there are some specific tips and tricks that will help the call go well

    Typically lasting half an hour telephone interviews save time and keep costs down for both the recruiter and the interviewee. However, they do have a downside. In most cases you’ll be answering questions under a strict time limit and this can increase nerves. Not being able to see the interviewer also presents its own difficulties, as you’re unable to gauge their response.

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